


  • [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 1번째 이미지
  • [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 2번째 이미지
  • [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 3번째 이미지
  • [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 4번째 이미지
  • [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 5번째 이미지
[Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 1번째 이미지 [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 2번째 이미지 [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 3번째 이미지 [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 4번째 이미지 [Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion 5번째 이미지

[Goseong] Cheongganjeong Pavilion

  • 주소5110, Donghae-daero, Toseong-myeon, Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do
  • 문의/안내Goseong County Culture & Tourism : (033)690-3361~3
  • 홈페이지http://tour.goseong.org
  • 정보등록December 1, 2014
  • 정보확인December 5, 2016


The great sunrise of the East Sea and the waves rippling like clouds; one of Gwandong 8 Views



Cheongganjeong Pavilion, built above a cliff with a small octagonal roof, is one of the eight view points of Gwandong where you can see the sunrise from Seoraksan Mountain. The scenery during sunrise and sunset offers a remarkable view of the waves coming in like clouds and going like fog. The builder and the date of accomplishment are unknown, but it is estimated that it was built before the 15th year of King Jungjong’s reign. After, King Hyeonjong visited in the 3rd year of his reign, and he wrote the sign wood himself with the name “Cheongganjeong”. At the present time, the signed wood plate is lost and it does not pass down.



It was involved in a fire in 1884, then it was restored in 1928, and more mending was executed by the orders of the first president, Lee Seungman. The new sign was written by Lee Seungman, and it hangs up until present times. One more adjustment was made to it in August of 1980. It was completely decomposed and put together again. There are surrounding wood of bamboo trees and dense cypress trees and the blue view of the East Sea blends together and it surely gives its nice title. There is a walking path developed around Cheongganjeong which you can use in only certain period of time during the day because of its military roles and purposes.



Information by
Goseong County, Korea Tourism Organization








• Hours of operation for the Cheongganjeong Pavilion walking path
- April-October : 06:00-17:00 / November-March : 08:00-17:00



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